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Q & A
Q: What types of payments do you accept?
A: We accept Paypal, Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express), Debit Card, or E Check (i.e. using your regular Bank Account)
Q: How quickly do you ship once I purchase a watch online?
A: We'll get your order ready to be dispatched in 1 business days.The estimated delivery time of the product is 7-15 business days. Sometimes there will be delays in customs clearance, and after customs clearance, it will be transferred to USPS for delivery. Please review our shipping page for complete details.
Q: I have not received the tracking number information, how can I get it?
A: If you place an order successfully, there will be an email notifying you of the tracking number. If you don’t receive it, please provide your order number, or the email address you used to place the order, contact us at .we will help you check in time.
Q: What is the contact information for your store?
A: Contact us at .On working days we will reply you within 24 hours as soon as possible.
Q:Will the strap or bracelet fit my wrist?
A: Strap and bracelet sizes can vary; however, most watches we post are sized for the average wrist size. Average wrist size for men is 7.25" and 6.25" for women. When possible, we try to include any additional links that have been provided by the seller. If you are unsure if a watch will fit your wrist, please contact us for sizing information.
Q: How much do you charge for shipping?
A: We are free shipping worldwide.